Group Project

The term project entails the creation of a new enterprise. The enterprise should be a vehicle to provide a service or product to a targeted audience. The project should be constructed with enough detail as to be ready to implement in a realistic manner ·.

Online platform for the project is a web site with some social media access.

The outline of the web site is as follows:

      • All members are responsible for all the tabs of the web site. Each tab must be 150-250 words – information on the enterprise should be thorough but concise.
      • Description of the target audience. Describe the audience as a persuasive message/invitation/sales pitch of your product or service – include a slogan in this page (Home Page)
      • Company Description/Executive Summary - proposal of the enterprise, including a mission statement (About Us Page)
      • Each member should present their specific job with the enterprise in a brief outline style resume. (Contact Us Page)
      • Research the general industry that your enterprise competes with and present some general statistics about your industry/competitors (Industry Overview Page). Include references of your research on this page
      • The suggested design for the site are the templates found in
      • Presentation of the proposed media enterprise in class
      • RESOURCES:

        The Statistical Portal

        Occupational Outlook (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

        GuideStar - Directory of Charities and Non-Profit Organizations

        The SIC Directory (Standard Industrial Classifications)

        ABI Inform databases in FIU Library research portal

        Hoover's Company Profiles databases in FIU research portal